Dental Hygiene/Exams

Coming to our office for regular dental visits is an essential part of maintaining a healthy smile. When you visit us for your routine cleaning and exam, we have an opportunity to check your oral health and make sure no health issues are waiting to develop. At Smiles on the Boulevard, we are committed to keeping your family healthy for a lifetime!

in officeHow Often Should I Visit My Dentist?

We recommend coming in for a routine visit at least two times per year. During each cleaning and exam, we check the teeth, gums, and other parts of the mouth for signs of infection or decay. Because oral health problems can develop so quickly, regular check-ups are the best way to prevent serious illnesses. The earlier we can pinpoint a possible problem, the more effective our treatment will be. Preventive care is one of the most important treatments we offer!

Why Is It Important to Have My Teeth Cleaned?

If you have a great oral health routine, you may be wondering why professional cleanings are needed. We recommend that all of our patients brush and floss their teeth twice daily and use dental products that contain fluoride. A daily hygiene routine is a necessary step in maintaining a healthy smile. Unfortunately, even someone with perfect dental hygiene can develop cavities and gum disease.

During your visit, one of our skilled dental hygienists will carefully clean the plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth. They will remove build-up from between your teeth and around your gum line –making it easier to clean your teeth at home while reducing your risk of developing other issues. As they clean, your hygienist will also check for anything unusual, such as redness, swelling, bleeding, and discoloration.

What Do You Check for in a Dental Exam?

After your cleaning, Dr. Hawkins will conduct a thorough exam of your teeth, gums, jaw, and other oral structures. She will look for signs of decay, gum infection, tenderness, tension, damage, and a variety of other potential health issues. She will also examine your neck and facial muscles for signs of stress.

Depending on your dental health and medical history, Dr. Hawkins may recommend using intraoral imaging or digital X-rays to take a closer look at your mouth. Both of these procedures are harmless. Once she is finished with her examination, Dr. Hawkins will explain her findings and provide a diagnosis. After your visit, we will give you a take-home health kit and personalized treatment plan, if needed.

Do You Check for Oral Cancer?

Yes! Although oral cancer has the potential of developing into a life-threatening illness, it can generally be treated if discovered early enough. Because it is so important to diagnose oral cancer early, our exams always include a thorough screening.

If you would like to learn more about the importance of good oral hygiene, or if you would like to schedule a cleaning and exam, please call our office at 740-423-8416. A friendly member of our team would be happy to answer any of your questions or schedule an appointment!